Co-creating Knowledge of Frozen Environments: Collaborative Experiences between Indigenous Peoples, Artists, and Scientists

Mar 15, 2024 | News

  • Dates: 13-15 March 2024
  • Mongolian Institute of Geography, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

From March 13th to 15th, 2024, the three-lingual event “Co-creating Knowledge of Frozen Environments: Collaborative Experiences between Indigenous Peoples, Artists, and Scientists” was held in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Hosted by the Mongolian Institute of Geography, the event was organized by the Frozen Commons project, ArtSLInK (Arts, Science, Local and Indigenous Knowledge), and AIVAN (Arctic Indigenous Virtual Artists Network). The event was organized by Vera Kuklina, Tatiana Degai, Mariia Kuklina, and Olga Zaslavskaya.