Exploring Arctic StoryWorlds: Blending Arts, Science, and Indigenous Knowledge

Mar 5, 2024 | News

  • Date: March 5, 2024
  • George Washington University, NNA Annual Meeting

During the NNA Annual Meeting, George Washington University hosted the exhibition “Arctic StoryWorlds: Weaving Different Ways of Knowing through Arts, Science, Local, and Indigenous Knowledge.” Curated by Olga Zaslavskaya and Vera Kuklina, this exhibition is a profound testament to the power of integrating diverse epistemological perspectives, fostering innovative solutions, and nurturing a nuanced understanding of the intricate Arctic environment. On 6 March, Vera Kuklina and Beili Liu, co-leaders of ArtSLInK, spoke at the Plenary Panel titled “Diverse Ways of Knowing: Linking Science, Indigenous Knowledge, and the Arts.”

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