Visiting communities Nikolai and McGrath in Alaska 

Feb 15, 2024 | News

 In January 2024 team members James Temte, Shauna BurnSilver, Vera Kuklina and Leah J. Shaffer together with Inuit photographer Jenny Irene Miller visited the communities of Nikolai and McGrath. During the visit, they have held master-classes at local schools and organized community meetings  to discuss the use of the PhotoVoice methodology to document diverse practices and meanings of snow, ice and permafrost.

PI Vera Kuklina and PI James Temte help the pilot load up the plane in Nikolai, Alaska, and prepare to fly to McGrath for the second leg of our January trip to run PhotoVoice workshops.

Photos by Leah J. Shaffer

PI Shauna BurnSilver and PI James Temte walk back to our lodging after hosting a community potluck dinner at the Tribal Hall in McGrath, AK.

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